opportunities list

open submission call for musicians, writers, VIDEO, AND CREATORS OF 

The BHM Conglomerate is NOW ACCEPTING ORIGINAL MUSIC, ARTWORK, VIDEOS, AND LITERARY SUBMISSIONS for review and possible consideration of placement throughout our vast network of websites, social media pages, email blast, and media publications. This is your chance to gain FREE exposure and recognition and even GET PAID while doing so!!!

We are interested in the following…..

  • ORIGINAL ARTWORK (Hand-drawn Artwork, Paintings, Digital Art, Scultures, etc.)
  • ORIGINAL COMPLETED SONGS (Music With Recorded Vocal Performance In A Genre Within Hip-Hop/Rap, Rock, Pop, or R&B): That includes all subgenres of those as well. So if your sound falls somewhere around those areas, WE WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU CAN DO!!!
  • VIDEO (Original Music Videos, Fights, And Funny Clips): We are seeking submissions of music videos within the genres of Hip-Hop/Rap, Rock, Pop, and R&B. We are ALSO seeking original content from directors, film makers, influencers, and other content creators that have video footage of fights and funny clips
  • CREATIVE WRITTEN WORK (Blogs, Short Stories, Poems, Articles, Interesting Point Of View Essay, etc.)
  • PRODUCER INSTRUMENTALS (Music Without Vocals, but Still In A Genre Within Hip-Hop/Rap, Rock, Pop, or R&B): Do you or someone you know make original beats that are absolutely phenomenal? WE WANT TO HEAR THEM!!! Submit your entry today and let us help you take it to the next level.