BHM's Film & Graphic Arts Division

Song and album covers, website development and designing, logos, advertising materials, music videos, documentaries, and more !!


Logo: $40
Song or Album Cover Art: $55
Website Development & Design: $2400
Film Editing**:  $ 35/hour (average)

(**Determining the right price to charge for editing your film depends on several factors, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Here's a breakdown of key aspects I consider when charging these fees…

~  My Experience Level

~  Project Complexity:

  • Simpler edits = Lower rates
  • Complex edits (e.g., special effects, color grading) = Higher rates

~  Project Scope:

  • Length of the film: Longer films typically cost more.
  • Number of revisions
  • Additional services: Motion graphics, sound design, etc., can add to the cost.**)


The graphic arts division at BHM provides our clients with high quality pieces of art directly from the hands of THE professional artist THEMSELF. LET US TAKE CARE OF THAT ALBUM COVER FOR YOU AND REST ASSURED THAT IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT!!! From professionals like Designs By Amy and A-1 Thee Assas'n himself, you can relax knowing that you're in the best of hands.

The film department creates mind-blowing visual representations to present your work to the world. Our team of young film editors are full of vigor and new and eceletic ideas to fuel your hunger for innovation.
Examples of our previous work can be examined by simply reviewing some of the video clips and music videos on A-1's YouTube page as well as the video page on

A-1 Thee Assas'n Drops Infernal Heat 
in "3-15" feat. OG Eddie MF Kane!!!

Step into the underworld with the scorching new music video "3-15" featuring the lyrical fire of A-1 Thee Assas'n and the legendary shit-talking from OG Eddie MF Kane. Produced by New York's super-producer, Mr. RuffUpDaSpeaker, this track is a potent blend of raw wordplay and pulsating beats.

Filmed just outside the gates of Hades, the video paints a vivid picture of A-1 Thee Assas'n's story, leaving you questioning whether he's just another rapper, or the Devil himself wielding the power of language. Ms. Bestie and A-1 Thee Assas'n join forces in the production of this video, with Bestie behind the camera operating the filming portion and A-1 providing his talents as the video editor, creating a visually captivating experience that matches the intensity of the music.

This track is featured on the latest 2024 release from A-1 Thee Assas'n titled “The A-1 Experience”. The album features production and guest artist appearances from Legion Beats, BlessDaTrack, Breana Marin

Brace yourselves for a journey into the depths of lyricism 

#315 #A1TheeAssasn #OGEddieMFKane #MrRuffUpDaSpeaker #BHM4LIFE